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Procedure for Receiving Food (영어)


Receiving food is never something that monks of assembly do on their own; their bowls must be filled by servers. When server comes before one’s sitting place, gassho, take main bowl in both hands (at main meal time hold spoon in right hand), hold it at an angle near the platform edge and receive food (bowl is held out diagonally in front of one’s body; bowl itself is kept level). When one has received an appropriate amount, interrupt serving with one’s right hand, arrange food in bowl with one’s spoon, and set bowl down on bowl stand. In case of soup, gassho and give first nested bowl over to server with right hand to have it filled; while server is filling it, wait respectfully in gassho. In case of pickles, lift second nested bowl in both hands to receive them. In case of bowl being filled with side dishes, simply gassho and receive them. Having received food, set down bowl or vessel and again gassho. All receiving of food is preceded and followed by gassho.

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