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Record of the Transmission of Illumination by the Great Ancestor, Zen Master Keizan

The Denkōroku (Record of the Transmission of Illumination), together with Dogen Zenji's Shobogenzo (Treasury of the True Dharma Eye), is one of the fundamental texts of the Soto School. It is an exceptional record of the Zen ancestors that begins with Sakyamuni Buddha, extends through twenty-eight generations in India and twenty-three generations in China, and reaches to Dogen Zenji and Ejo Zenji. It provides instruction, in teisho format, about the causes and conditions whereby each awakened to the Way that was individually transmitted by the one Buddha and fifty-two ancestors.

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T. Griffith Foulk (editor), Record of the Transmission of Illumination by the Great Ancestor, Zen Master Keizan © 2017 Sōtōshū Shūmuchō: (accessed on year/month/date).

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