Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund (Inglés)
April, 1st 2011 Soto Zen Administrative Headquarters
<Japanese Page>
We would like to express our deepest sympathies to all the people affected by the damage from the unprecedented disaster of the earthquakes and tsunamis on March 11th.
The Sotoshu Shumucho is now collecting contributions for the “Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund”.
This relief fund will be used to help the victims of the disaster, and to help rebuild the areas struck.
For more information on how you can help, please contact your nearest Soto Zen International Regional Office

Hawaii area
Soto Zen Buddhism Hawaii Office
Address: | 1708 Nuuanu Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96817 U.S.A. |
Phone & Fax: | 1-808-538-6429 |
Mail: | info@sotozenhi.org |
North American area
Soto Zen Buddhism International Center
Address: | 633 Fallon Avenue San Mateo, CA 94401 U.S.A. |
Phone: | 1-415-567-7686 |
Fax: | 1-415-567-0200 |
Mail: | info@sotozen.com |
Paypal: |
Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office
Address: | 123 South Hewitt St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 U.S.A. |
Phone: | 1-213-617-0100 |
Fax: | 1-213-617-0200 |
Mail: | sokanbu@sotozen.us |
Paypal: |
South American area
Soto Zen Buddhism South America Office
Address: | Rua São Joaquim 285, Bairro da Liberdade, São Paulo-SPCEP:01508-001 BRASIL |
Phone: | 55-11-3208-4515 |
Fax: | 55-11-3208-0418 |
Mail: | sotozen@itelefonica.com.br |
| |
European area
Soto Zen Buddhism Europe Office
Address: | 277 Rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine, 75011, Paris, FRANCE |
Phone: | 33-1-4633-7738 |
Fax: | 33-1-4633-6004 |
Mail: | info@sotozen.eu |