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Leaflet and Booklet (Inglés)

Leaflet and Booklet can be downloaded.

  • Sound of ZEN (Inglés)

    Soto zen teaching has been spreading around the world.

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  • THE PRACTICE of ZAZEN (Inglés)

    How to do zazen

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  • Instructions for Chair Zazen (Inglés)

    Instructions for Chair Zazen that you can do easily at home or at work anytime, anywhere

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  • Heart of Zen (Inglés)

    This book includs three important Soto Zen texts. The Gakudo-Yojinshu(Points to Watch in Practicing the Way) was written by Dogen Zenji, the founder of the Japanese Soto School..

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  • SOTO ZEN (Inglés)

    Part I. Practice of Zazen
    1. A Path of Just Sitting: Zazen as the Practice of the Bodhisattva Way
    Part II. An Introduction to Soto Zen
    1. History and Teachings of Soto Zen

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  • Shobogenzo-zuimonki (Inglés)

    Shobogenzo Zuimonki consists of the dharma talks of Eihei Dogen Zenji (1200 - 1253) who transmitted Soto Zen from China to Japan. These talks were originally recorded by Koun Ejo Zenji..

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  • Zazen under New Normal (Inglés)

    The leaflet is made for the people who would like to keep practicing Zazen under the new normal.

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