Ten Buddha Names (영어)

Next, rector (Ino) strikes block with mallet once and intones:
“In the midst of the three treasures which verify our understanding, entrusting ourselves to the Sangha, we recall:”
- 仰惟三宝咸賜印知
- nyan ni san po ansu inshi
- 仰憑尊衆念
- nyan pin son shu nyan
He/she strikes block with mallet once again (this is called “mallet of verse of praise”). Great assembly of monks gassho and recite Ten Buddha Names in unison:
- Vairochana Buddha, pure Dharmakaya;
- Lochana Buddha, complete Sambhogakaya;
- Shakyamuni Buddha, myriad Nirmanakaya;
- Maitreya Buddha, of future birth;
- All Buddhas throughout space and time;
- Lotus of the Wondrous Dharma, Mahayana sutra.
- Manjushri Bodhisattva, great wisdom;
- Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, great activity;
- Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, great compassion;
- All honored ones, Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas;
- Wisdom beyond wisdom, Maha Prajna Paramita.
- 清浄法身毘盧舍那仏
- shin jin pashin birū sha no fu
- 円満報身盧遮那仏
- sen pai kashin shikyā mu ni fu
- 千百億化身釈迦牟尼仏
- sen pai kashin shikyā mu ni fu
- 当来下生弥勒尊仏
- to rai asan mirū son bu
- 十方三世一切諸仏
- ji ho san shi ishī shi fu
- 大乗妙法蓮華経
- dai jin myo harin ga kin
- 大聖文殊師利菩薩
- dai shin bun jusu ri bu sa
- 大乗普賢菩薩
- dai jin fuen bu sa
- 大悲観世音菩薩
- daihi kan shiin bu sa
- 諸尊菩薩摩訶薩
- shi son bu sa mo ko sa
- 摩訶般若波羅蜜
- mo ko ho ja ho ro mi